3 Things: John Wilson, Ellie Shechet, and Francesca Mari / by Chris Duffy


Hey there,

This week, everyone I know started posting their most listened to songs of the year from Spotify. I was curious to see mine too. By a long shot, it was "Baby Sleep Brown Noise." That made me laugh a lot. My most listened to track wasn't music at all. It was off-brand white noise intended for babies. It's from the record "Perfect Sounds for Baby Sleep," which is far above The Beatles' White Album in my own personal pantheon. A perfect chart topper for 2020. As we close out this year, I'm still making lists of goals for 2021, books I read, and everything that I felt like I accomplished this year. I like having those for posterity. But I'm not pretending this wasn't 2020. I needed some serious assistance to sleep like a baby. And luckily, it was there for me. Thank you, brown noise manufacturers. 

Side note: Writing this intro took me down a little Wikipedia rabbit hole into the "colors of noise." Apparently, the name "brown noise" comes from Brownian motion and is also known as "random walk" or "drunkard's walk." Now you know!

Upcoming Events

-Thursday, December 10th at 8:30 p.m. Pacific / 11:30 p.m. Eastern
Fundraiser for Nefesh LA. I'm hosting a Chanukah-themed game show and celebration. More info here

-Sunday, December 13th at 3:30 p.m. Pacific / 6:30 p.m. Eastern
Dancify That! I'm the comedian judge for a holiday chocolate edition of this hilarious show. More info here 

-Wednesday, December 16th at 5 p.m. Pacific / 8 p.m. Eastern
Hidden Expert. From the National Academy of Sciences and LabX, this is a storytelling show where the audience tries to figure out which storyteller is actually a scientist. More info here 

This week’s list

I don't think anyone has captured the hilarious weirdness of New York better than John Wilson. His HBO show, How To with John Wilson, is so funny and unlike anything else on television. Each episode is assembled from years of videos that John has been shooting while living in the city. The episodes end up being packed full of tiny but jaw-dropping footage, like a woman taking a business call while hula hooping or a man casually walking down the street with a dog on his head. The show is so funny and often surprisingly moving. It's also always unbelievably weird. I love it. Official HBO Trailer  

Nathan Fielder is one of the executive producers and he posted this "behind-the-scenes" video that almost immediately goes completely off the rails. Anatomy of a Scene: The Bread Scene

Ellie Shechet's "horrible lists" are some of my favorite things on the internet. She used to write them every week. But she got busy with less horrible things, so now the lists are few and far between. That just means I get even more excited when a new one pops up, because they're always amazing. Her latest is a hilarious collection of excerpts from an emotionally accurate email inbox. My email inbox, if I'm being sensitive

Francesca Mari is a Providence, RI based journalist. I don't think anyone covers the current housing crisis as well as she does. She recently wrote an Op-Ed about how 30 million Americans are at risk of being evicted at the end of this month if the government doesn't intervene. And for those who are already out of traditional housing, the situation is even more precarious and the makeshift solutions more bizarre. "The rules were simple: don't leave, don't host guests, and don't talk to anyone—not contractors, property managers, real-estate agents, or prospective buyers. If you were working a 24/7, only short trips to the market or the laundromat were allowed. The premises had to be kept clean at all times, or pay would be docked. The driver supplied Evans with a mini-fridge, a small microwave, an inflatable mattress, and plastic floor coverings to protect the carpet." Using the Homeless to Guard Empty Houses 

That's it for this week. Thanks for reading. If you're enjoying these emails, please forward to a friend or spread the word. If someone forwarded you this email but you're not yet on the list, you can subscribe here.

Relaxing to a drunkard's walk,